ENRS Membership Bundles – Purchase More and Save

Member Type

3 Memberships (10 % Discount)

5 Memberships (15% Discount)

10 Memberships (20% Discount)



Regular Membership
Licensed registered nurses residing and/or working in the ENRS Region who are interested in research shall be eligible to apply to become Regular Members of the Society.

Total Price: $391.50

(Savings: $43.50)

Total Price: $616.25

(Savings: $108.75)

Total Price: $1160

(Savings: $290)

Student Membership
Persons currently enrolled in programs of nursing education in the ENRS Region shall be eligible to apply to become Student Members of the Society.

Total Price: $202.50

(Savings: $22.50)

Total Price: $318.75

(Savings: $56.25)

Total Price: $600

(Savings: $150)


If you are interested in purchasing a membership bundle for your organization, please fill out the form here Once received, an invoice will be created and sent to the designated key contact within their new profile in the ENRS database to pay for the membership.  Subsequent renewals will be managed through the designated administrator.

You will be prompted to add profile information on your members and designate a key contact who will be responsible for updates and payment remittal.

Once payment is received for your bundle, members will be notified to reset their password to access the system. 

If you would like to update your bundle members, you can do so at any time, the key contact will have access to make updates within their profile, or you can email info@enrs-go.org.

Additionally, if you have purchased a bundle membership and do not have the full list of members at the time of purchase, additional members can be added at any time. The key contact will have access to make updates within their profile or you can email info@enrs-go.org.

If a name is added to your bundle that currently holds an active membership, their membership renewal date will be changed to reflect that of the bundle and their renewal process will be updated from individual to incorporated into the bundle.

Purchase a bundle.